
Virtual Conference Vs. Webinar: What You Should Know

Virtual Conference Vs. Webinar: What You Should Know

Many people work from home today, and so most meetings happen online. You might have heard about virtual conferences and webinars. But what are they, and how are they different? If you were to choose between the two, which one would it be?

Let’s explore both to help you understand which option would work for you.

What Is a Virtual Conference?

Virtual conferences are usually for large meetings online. So if you want to attend a business meeting, instead of traveling, you join from your computer. The meeting is usually a big event, with many people taking part. Also, there can be different sessions where people talk about various topics.

In a virtual conference, you can listen to speakers. You can also join different sessions. There will be an option for you to choose which sessions you want to join. 

It also gives you the opportunity to meet other people. You can chat with others who are also attending the conference online. It is always a great chance to network. As such you can meet new people who might help you in your work.

Also, during a video conference, you can ask questions. During some sessions, you can ask questions and get answers from the speakers.

What is a Webinar?

Webinars, on the other hand, are much smaller events, like small online classes or workshops. It’s usually about one specific topic. So, for example, if you want to learn how to improve your productivity or manage your tasks better, you might join a webinar on that subject.

In a webinar, you can listen to one or two speakers. Usually, they will teach on a topic. Also, the speaker might show slides, videos, or other materials to help explain things. There is often a time for questions at the end of the webinar. However, you can type your question, and the speaker will answer it.

How Are They Different?

The two platforms are quite different in many ways, even though they require meeting online. A virtual conference, for instance, is usually bigger, with more people and sessions. A webinar is smaller and focused on one topic with fewer participants.

Virtual conferences can last several days, while webinars are shorter, often just an hour or two. In a virtual conference, you can interact with many people during the different sessions and even ask questions. However, you mostly listen and learn from one speaker, with less interaction in a webinar.

In addition, while a virtual conference covers many topics, a webinar is focused on one specific topic. However, it will give you deep knowledge on that subject.

Scheduling and Task Management

If you’re to decide between the two, you need to consider how to manage and schedule your tasks. Meeting scheduling platforms like Lemcal make it easy to achieve this. For instance, you can set enough time for your virtual conferences. So, you need to plan your tasks around the conference sessions so you don’t fall behind on your work.

Meeting scheduling apps also work for webinars. You can usually join a webinar without needing to rearrange your whole day. The software will set a reminder so you don’t miss it.

Final thoughts 

Both virtual conferences and webinars can be valuable for business meetings. They can give you new ideas, help you improve your task management, and boost your productivity.

With virtual conferences, you can learn from many experts. Also, the knowledge you gain can be shared with your team during business meetings. Webinars focus on learning and can help you tackle specific issues in your business meetings. 

Your choice will depend on your needs. So, just choose the one that fits best with your goals and schedule. For more information, see